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 Want Your language board? Check this!

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Posts : 302
Join date : 2007-11-10
Location : Wroclaw, Poland

Want Your language board? Check this! Empty
PostSubject: Want Your language board? Check this!   Want Your language board? Check this! Icon_minitimeSun Nov 11, 2007 7:10 am

Hi there!

As far we got 3 another languaged-boards than english. We still have on mind that there might be more players from other countries. That's why we are open for Your Language-Board requests. To make the request You need to fill the following statements listed below:

1. You need to have at least 10 players from Your country.
2. You can make Yor request only here!
3. You have to list the character's name in Your request.
4. You must write the request in english and say the language's name.
5. Feel free to ask the questions!
6. All other requests made in other topics will be deleted and won't be taken seriously.
7. This topic will be checked daily and moderated.
8. The player who is making the request will also become a guy responsible for abusing reports. Just pm or report the post to admins/moderators with the closest possible translation to english
9. The boards will be created within 24 hours.
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Want Your language board? Check this!
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